Saturday, July 12, 2008


Some more flowers...


Willard said...


Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Those are good flower photos! The bottom one appears to be a Moccasin Flower. I have photographed them with film cameras, but have not seen one since I started shooting digital.

I especially love the first shot in your walkabout post. I like the texture of the water flowing over the rocks and the overall composition and look of the photograph.

Anonymous said...

The Tiger Lillis are my favorites. Great job!

abbott said...

This flower very lovely and beautiful and enjoyable. There are different and lovely flower and fantastic also. Often people are very like it.

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abbott said...

flower is a beautiful and and nice color because there are different types flower and color and attractive also we can be visiting and enjoy it in this garden so lovely and more beautiful.

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abbott said...

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abbott.simth said...

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Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

How nice and beautiful flower shared because there are different size, color , and different varieties in garden so that we can know about. Most of the people are enjoying in this post.

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